Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gladiatrix III - Week 15 Update

The Valtrescan all female tribe has challenged Sierra and her companions to a series of contests. If they can win these events they will have greatly earned the respect of this tribe. Landon has been selected for the wrestling match as Sierra and Tessa prep him for the event. 

  • Once I complete the Valtrescan encounters I'll post a preview of Gladiatrix III so that you all can try out what I've built so far. Hopefully it won't be much longer. That's the least I can do for being so slow this time around :)


  1. A quality module is always worth the wait =)

  2. You've not been slow, it's just that perfection takes time :)

    The updates you do here are a great way to keep people interested and as long as it feels like progress is happening, we're happy to wait until your ready to release the module.

    That said, as soon as you do post the mod I'll be 'gimme, Gimme GIMEEEE!! Mine All MINE!!! hahahehehe!!!

  3. Is Landon naked in that picture?

    1. No, he has boots and gloves on.

      Oh, and an armband.

      As for the rest of him, thats so he can be oiled properly no doubt.

    2. The Valtrescan tribe insists on the men being naked when competing. There's actually a story behind that although Landon isn't too happy about the arrangement.

  4. WOOT! Landon is back! I missed him :D

  5. Thanks for all your hard work FallynRayne. Looking very good.

  6. Hi, FallynRayne, I would like to help in some way with this module to continue it and even help you bring it to NWN2. Contact me at:

    Thanks for all your hard work!

    1. Hi there. I have most everything mapped out for this module. It's just a matter of taking the time to plug all the information in. When it's finished I'm always on the lookout for beta testers. You can also send me any ideas that you might have. I can't promise that I'll be able to fit them in but I'm always open to ideas and will take a close look.

      If a talented builder wants to attempt bringing my modules to NWN2 I'm all for that. I've actually never played NWN2. I've always wanted to play and even build a sexy adventure. One thing that turned me off about NWN2 is I find the models to be not sexy at all. There also seems to be a shortage of sexy armor and clothing in the community and there's a bunch in NWN. It seems like a huge project but if a talented designer wants to tackle converting my series to NWN2 then I'll endorse it.

      If you have any ideas that you'd like to send to me I can be reached at fallyn_rayne(at)

  7. I hate to admit this, but I'm starting to forget who is who.

    Guess I'll have to go and replay the Gladiatrix 1 & 2 again, and maybe make a few notes, for future reference. I'm sure my memory is getting worse.

    1. Well, Landon was the main male character in G1 and he joined the shroud. Kelvyn was also in G1. Your character met him at the male academy. Braxton was the main male character in G2. Both Landon and Braxton will show up in G3. I haven't decided about Kelvyn yet. And now that I write this I realize that all my male characters have the same ending syllable sound lol. Completely unintended. Anyway, I won't mind if you replay the modules again :) If you've forgotten some things maybe they'll seem fresh again.

    2. Is there going to be a main male character in G3?

    3. There are going to be three main male characters showing up at different times. One will be new.

  8. Waiting is never easy of course but in this case it is well worth it, so take your time.
    Getting to test it out before it is fully done is awesome news though!

  9. Can we choose who participates in these events or is it predetermined? I recall you stating that it is possible not find Landon.

    1. The module is really story driven so the events above would be with Landon. I know that some people would prefer these modules to be more of a roleplay/choose-your-own-adventure type, but I've decided that I'm not very good at that. I probably could build something less predetermined but it would take me forever and never get done. So these events are kind of set in stone.

      The good thing about posting screenshots is that people can follow the progress and stay interested. The bad thing about posting updates is I'm afraid I'm going to give too much away and take some of the surprise and discovery out of the playing experience.

  10. Braxton is more of a bad boy. Some might like him and some won't. I try to leave it open for Sierra to either fall for him or diss/tolerate him. I try not to force people into romantic situations they don't like. He'll be showing up later in the module.

  11. Will that prudish cleric from part 2 be coming back? If so, can we help her become less of one (if you know what I mean)?

    1. She'll be back. She won't have as big of a roll as she did last time so I'm not sure there will be time to get her to change her ways :)

  12. Is this week's update likely to contain the playable game preview?

    1. Unfortunately I don't have it ready :( I'm hoping for next week.
